Wednesday, November 5, 2008

what an amazing world we now live in

Yes, we did. Barack Obama will be the 44th president of the united states. He will be the first African-American president. He will be the first president to be born outside the Continental 48. He will be the first senator to become president since JFK and the first non-Southern Democrat to enter the office since then. He is the first Democrat to win a majority of the popular vote since Jimmy Carter n 1976, and received the highest percentage of the vote of any Democrat since LBJ. He attracted more votes than any other candidate in history. He is the first Democrat to carry Indiana or Virginia since 1964. For today, at least, the united states of america seems like a place where all things are possible. Never has a country more drastically changed the world's opinion in of it in the space of a few short hours. The United States has a unique opportunity to break from the last eight years of alienating our allies via military intervention under the guise of misguided "democracy building" and destroying our credibility through our toleration of dishonorable conduct during the "war on terror." Perhaps, with obama at the helm, America can begin to re-earn the trust and admiration that we once enjoyed. It will take hard work and we still have a long road ahead of us, but a strong victory for Obama, a black man with a Muslim father elected by a predominately white Christian nation, is a first step toward demonstrating what true American exceptionalism should be.

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