Tuesday, April 28, 2009

the magic number 60 at last?

After drawn out speculation on a variety of right-wing blogs, Arlen Specter has official announced his switch to the democratic party (apparently, the Republican Party has moved to the right in the last 30 years, who knew?). In reality, Specter's decision is probably due primarily to political considerations (the conservative wing of the Republican party has been hounding him for voting with the Democrats for months and now are supporting a more conservative challenger for the 2010 Senate primary). Of course, this development would provide the Democrats with the magic filibuster-proof number 60 in the senate, assuming that anyone ever bothers to end the litigation in Minnesota and actually seat Al Franken. Naturally, Specter insists that his switch in affiliation does not mean he "will be a party-line voter for the Democrats."

Regardless of what practical difference Specter's change in affiliation will make, the symbolic impact is significant: yet another moderate Republican jumping a quickly sinking ship, leaving the party even more geographically and socially isolated from the American mainstream. Meanwhile, the Republicans still have to compete with being overshadowed by a Democratic president who continues to enjoy high levels of support.